I got the "clicks, pings, and pain" quote from this one book that i have finished reading just now.
tentang dhiya by syud.
awesome, awesome, awesome book, far from all those stereotype cintan-cintun, jiwang karat and tngkap leleh kind of book.
just want to give a shout out to syafika and yasmin.
kau kejam! haha.
takdalah, no offense peeka, i'm just being a bit bitchy sebab tak dapat jumpa kau masa aku dah nak balik dari kmm.
aku tunggu kau satu jam, tunggu kau habis munshi, tapi kau tak muncul-muncul pun.
kau tau tak aku dah menangis tersedu-sedu after aku memula call kau and dapat tahu kau dah takde, pegi munshi.
hahhaa. i know i know, sgt sgt sgt sappy, but memang seriously sedih sgt sgt sebab tak dapat jumpa kau.
nanti turunlah melaka! you are welcome to my house anytime :)
p/s: peeka, apa cite kwn kau yg muka mcm fatah tu? hahaha
p/s: peeka, drake bell hot kot. ahahahaha
nanti da balik melaka bgtau aku ea!
sgt sgt byk benda yang aku nak cite kat kau!
will be posting more. toodles~