Saturday, February 28, 2009

nafas sudah kembali dalam kadar yang normal, jalan pun dah cukup tanah

Location : home sweet home
Date : 28/2/2009
Time : 2056

yeehaaa! finally the weekend that i have been waiting and dying for.
finally can give my precious brain some time from all those kuliah.
yeah. for the past 2 weeks, my life had been this really, really, tense, full with excruciating pain and tiredness.

biology fair.
i have been working my ass off for this bio fair thing.
working with the guys from my class is really, really cool.
they are really helpful, and their brains are superb as well, filled with all those sengal but brilliant ideas.

i was perah-ing my otak to create the design of the flyer for our class.
you know, so that we can put it up at every block, cafe, dewan kuliah, and so on.
the bio fair thing is on saturday.
and on thursday night, at around 10.45-ish, I still couldn't find the perfect design for the flyer.
then, Bad, Syafiq, Zaki and John came. I was asking their help for the flyer thing since Afiqah, Najib and I were totally clueless.
Then one of them said,
"ala, flyer ni kau buat merepek-repek pun takpe. asalkan dapat attract attention orang."
then orang lain sambung,
"kau buatlah power rangers ke, apa ke..."


Masa tu lak en tengah nak bukak yahoo.
walaupun internet maha lembab time tu, tapi terpaksa sabarkan diri and tunggu jelah all those images of power rangers pop out.
It's like the Land of Power Rangers or something.
can you believe it, there are people that create their own power rangers???

we were laughing our ass off as we were browsing through all the pictures.
i mean, power rangers are hysterically funny.
p/s: i'm a big fan of the original power rangers, FYI.

anyhoo, after all those laughters yang menggegarkan depan library tuh,
jumpa jugak satu gambar yang aku betul betul berkenan.
again, we were laughing our asses off again as we see the ridiculously funny suites of the power rangers.
i mean, have you guys seen a koala bear as a power ranger????

i was laughing even more when Bad seemed to know it all about these power rangers stuff, and they were talking about how Najib could be the monster while Bad be the power rangers that killed the monster...ahaha.

They are seriously, really, funny.

P/s: thank you guys for the idea!!

Overall, the biology fair thing is ok. it was great actually although we didnt win anything.
but the experience of speaking and talking about DNA Replication for 4 hours or so non stop to everyone is really priceless.
i even told Ayu, that if i couldn't get an A for this topic, i would be speechless.
Imagine telling the same story over and over again for 4 hours.

I have gotten myself a sore throat as well. ahaha. yeah. Imagine you have to yell over the noise of the crowd.

but it was actually super, super fun!
fun with a capital F!

i want to type more about our marching competition.
but i have been running out of words lah.
guess i'll type more about it in the next post.
i think i better log off now.
my back has been hurting la.
tak hilang2 sakit neh.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

nafas tersekat-sekat, berjalan tak cukup tanah

How long haven't I updated my blog?
forty years?

for the past 2 weeks, my life was soooooooo freaking hectic!
sometimes, I could feel that I was walking or doing things subconsciously. ahaha.
with the bio fare thing.
and kawad kaki competition coming up like in next two weeks.
then nak kena siapkan report lagik.
nak kena catch up dengan study lagik.
i have a chemistry quiz waiting for me tomorrow.

for the past few days, i have been emotionally unstable.
it started when my dad called me and informed me that i may not be able to mohon for that dentistry-in-indonesia thing.
and the chances of me not getting to study in dentistry.
he told me that i have to accept the reality...and stuff that if i'm going to repeat it here, it will make me become emotionally unstable again...
i sound like orang tak betul lak en.
after that, with some more incidents happened to me before, i have become numb.
it's like, you couldn't feel anything. you couldnt even think. You just go...blah.

Physically I'm happy, but emotionally? Nah.
But yesterday my mom came to visit me.
and my roommate said i look different. happier she meant.
oh well.
i guess your parents are the best person to turn to whenever you're having an emotional breakdown.

hari jumaat hari tu sms timah.

"Mah, kau ada kat bilik tak lepas pukul 12?"
"Pukul 2 ada sesi fotografi. 2 setengah ada discussion."
"Ohh. baru ingat nak buat sesi mengs kat kau sat. huhu."
"Dtg ar bilik aku. aku pun nak ngs gak sebenarnya"

aku pun dengan gembiranya pergi ke bilik timah lepas makan.
masuk2 jek bilik timah,terus meluru ke katil and amik that one whole packet full of sweets.
Mah gelak.
"Kau sorang je taw yang makan benda tu kat bilik aku neh."
aku senyum je lah. ahaha. sebab sweets tu memang sedap en.
sambil makan, tanya mah what is actually her problem.
"Aku sakit perut sebenarnya."

punye cuaklah aku ingatkan gaduh dengan madi ke, hapa ke.
rupa-rupanya sakit perut.
bertuah punya kawan.

Timah, nak jenjalan dengan kau!

so pagi tadik bangun.
semayang subuh.
den pergi jog.
memula ingat nak jog kat depan, kat padang besar tu.
tapi rasa macam malas plak en.
and besides the fact that cuaca kat bukit belakang b5 tu mcm best and windy and penuh ngan kabus...
mcm meng-invite kitorang pergi jog kat situ jek.
as usual.
after jog mesti ada sesi fotografi.
sesorang dok jadi photographer tak bertauliah tadik.ngeh2.


lagi sebulan je kan. so i have to cherish every moment i have here.
brace myself and face it without any complaints or whatsoever.
sebab benda macam ni berlaku sekali jek seumur hidup.
dah besar nanti susah nak ada dlm situasi mcm ni lagik.
pergi kelas, balik kelas, pergi makan, pergi unit, pergi lepak depan lib, pergi kafe, outing sesama, buat heart-to-heart talk at times.
benda ni sume dah jadi macam asam garam life aku kat sini.

sebelum aku terus merapik ala-ala dr.phil punya intern kat sini.
it's better for me to leave.
aku pun dah penat nak duk kat library ni.
lagipun azan zuhur dah berkumandang..

i guess i better end this little chapter of this blog.
